APAN Meeting
The Department of Science and Technology - Advanced Science and Technology Institute,hosted the 23rd APAN Meeting in Manila last January 22 - 26, 2007.
The 5-day event highlighted tutorials, oral presentations and demonstrations covering topics on advanced network technologies and applications. I was able to attend the conference as a volunteer. ASTI needed technical and secretariat assistance throughout the event. I was at Shangrila for three days and those days merited many experiences.
January 23
I was assigned to Palawan 2, session on IPv6. But before the session started, I was at the registration table, helping the Secretariat Committee on the delegates. There are countless times I was asked what nationality I belong to. Some foreigners thought I was Korean, while others guessed I was Japanese. I began to get used to their English, although at first I was lost on what they are saying, especially the Japanese. It seems that they're eating their words.
During the IPv6 session, different speakers presented the development of IPv6 in their countries. Countries which presented includes Japan, Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, Australia, India, Malaysia, canada and US. I learned that our country is way behind in development of IPv6. I dont know of any institution who are already using IPv6 on their network, except for ASTI.
After the day's work, we, the organizer, together with the delegates went to Kamayan-EDSA to share a sumptous dinner. I was really full and the food there tastes good.
January 24
Again, I was assigned to Palawan 2 but this time the session was about Medical WOrking Group of APAN. Medical doctors and network engineers talked about different strategies on how to meet the goal of the working group which is to establish a medical network with high-quality moving image on a broadband Internet in all Asia-Pacific regions.
I was really fascinated with their work on telemedicine where surgeons of hospitals on another country could communicate and educate interns of med schools from another. They also showed short video clips of previous live surgeries that were showed to different medical institutions of different countries using the APAN network.
In the afternoon, research on the Avian Influenza, or what is commonly known as Bird Flu were presented.
Dinner followed at Tiendesitas.
Lunch and snacks flowed freely for five days. And I must say that the food really tastes good. Yum Yum Yum.. especially the deserts.

January 26
The fifth day was not really part of the APAN meeting. It was actually the start of celebration of ASTI's 20th year. I was at Shangrila at 3pm, but I didn't get to attend the APNIC seminar. I was busy helping the Secretariat in making the certificates for the participants.
After the seminar, ASTI launched the OPEN IX.
It was really a busy week, but a fulfilling experience indeed. And I can boast that I am part of the biggest International Conference that ASTI had ever sponsored.
Also, I was able to have some bonding with friends during our dinner-outs. Big bosses of ASTI like Sir Denis (ASTI Director) and SIr Joric (KM division chief) already call me using my first name. (Hahaha, close na kami, first name basis na ang tawagan eh). I also gained new friends.
Lastly I realized that I really could pass off as Korean or Japanese. Hehehehe...
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